by secretaria | des. 4, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Tortugues
Dear Families and friends, during these days , we had met one special friend: Mr. Ducky!! and with his help we have been learning so many new things, like the Colors, the Weather, Emotions and also a new Holiday called “Halloween”, all through songs, stories, games...
by secretaria | des. 4, 2023 | Balenes, Dofins
Benvolgudes famílies;Estrenem curs, aula, joguines…Estem molt il·lusionades en poder compartir amb tots vosaltres un curs ple de somriures, bons moments i sobretot aventures increïbles!!!S’ha començat el curs respectant els “tempos” que cada infant...
by secretaria | maig 31, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Peixos, Tortugues
Dear famílies and Friends, on this month we have been working on numbers! We enjoyed a lot doing different activities such as crafts or painting numbers, we have even traced the numbers in sand to recognize their shape! And we worked the numbers also with songs like...
by secretaria | maig 2, 2023 | Balenes, Dofins
Benvolgudes famílies;Aquest mes d’abril ha vingut ple d’activitats divertides i sobretot entretingudes!! La setmana de Sant Jordi ha estat plena de contes, rutines VESS i estones relaxades gaudint d’històries.Acabem el més amb una activitat molt...
by secretaria | abr. 12, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Peixos, Tortugues
Dear Families and Friends:We want to shows how much fun we had in the dolphins,whales,turtles,fishes classes learning about the spring season with Mister Ducky.We have learned the spring colours and flowers through songs and activities with our hands.✋At the class of...
by secretaria | març 31, 2023 | Balenes, Dofins
Estimades families;Estem acabant el trimestre i ja arriben les vacances de setmana Santa. I és per això que nosaltres no hem parat de fer coses…Aquestes darreres setmanes hem gaudim de l’arribada de la primavera, on en aquesta estació ens ha permès un ventall...