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Dear famílies and Friends, on this month we have been working on numbers! We enjoyed a lot doing different activities such as crafts or painting numbers, we have even traced the numbers in sand to recognize their shape! And we worked the numbers also with songs like...


Hola famílies!S’acosta un dels dies més esperats de l’any, Sant Jordi i des de l’escola treballem les tradicions catalanes. Durant aquesta setmana hem gaudit de la lectura, les titelles, les cançons i diferents manualitats. Us deixem aquí un petit recull dels peixos i...


Dear Families and Friends:We want to shows how much fun we had in the dolphins,whales,turtles,fishes classes learning  about the spring season with Mister Ducky.We have learned the spring colours and flowers through songs and activities with our hands.✋At the class of...
Animals of the Farm

Animals of the Farm

Dear Families and Friends,This month we have been learning about the Animals of the Farm, their sizes, colors and sounds, all through flashcards, puppets, games and songs, like “Old MacDonald”, “I Have a Pet” and “The Animals On the Farm”.We also made our Farm Corner...


Hola famílies!!Les tortugues i els peixos aquesta setmana, aprofitant que és una mica boja, hem descobert llums de diferents colors i tamanys. Hem jugat amb les ombres i hem fet petites construccions per després llençar-les a terra. En definitva, ens ho hem passat...


Dear families and friends, on this month we learned a lot about ourselves.We have been learning and reconizing The parts of our body. Also we have been playing songs of the body such as head shoulders, knees and toes or one little finger. In addition, we enjoyed a lot...