Hello families and friends,
As you can appreciate in the pictures, the Elephants, Horses and Giraffes are very happy with their new English Class mascots: Kelly Kangaroo, Flash Fox and Bobby Bear! Miss Inés, Miss Daniela and Miss Andre had a surprise for them and they couldn’t believe the great news…this year they will have the opportunity to take them home on a weekend and spend time with them. We are very eager to listen to those awesome stories of the adventures they will share together throughout the school year.
With love,
Dear Families and friends, during these days , we had met one special friend: Mr. Ducky!! and with his help we have been learning so many new things, like the Colors, the Weather, Emotions and also a new Holiday called “Halloween”, all through songs,...
Hola famíliesEls Ocells, Esquirols i Granotes ja som aquí per ensenyar-vos una mica d’allò que hem estat fent aquestes setmanes.Com sabeu l'arribada de la Tardor es per nosaltres l’oportunitat perfecte per treballar els colors, elements naturals,...
Hola famílies! Aquests dies els Cavalls hem rebut una gran sorpresa a la classe! Dues maletes gegants plenes d’objectes i estris relacionats amb la cuina que ens han enviat a través del projecte que treballem d’Alimenta’t amb seny. Aprofitant que ja hem...