Welcome back, families and friends!
We are very excited to be back at school and to start our English classes.
For some of us it’s our first time and for others it’s a reunion with our dear friend Mr. Ducky.
We had also met our teacher this year, who will be Miss Sara.
Be prepared to see all the good things that we will be working on this couple months.
Welcome again to all the CANGURS, TORTUGUES and DOFINS
Benvolgudes famílies;Estrenem curs, aula, joguines…Estem molt il·lusionades en poder compartir amb tots vosaltres un curs ple de somriures, bons moments i sobretot aventures increïbles!!!S'ha començat el curs respectant els "tempos" que cada infant...
Hello families and friends!We’re so excited to be back and start our English classes.This few days we got to meet a special friend who will be accompanying us throughout this year…He’s Mr. Ducky!Stay tuned to see all the things we'll be learning with him and with our...
Elefants, Cavalls i Girafes hem descobert el que treballarem aquest curs a l’escola d’una manera molt i molt divertida.
Hola, famílies i amics,Els nens d' I3, I4, I5, elefants, cavalls i girafes hem descobert el que treballarem aquest curs a l'escola d'una manera molt i molt divertida.Barcelona a partir d'un conte, molt especial, presentat per en Mag i la Nòlia a la sala...