by secretaria | des. 4, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Tortugues
Dear Families and friends, during these days , we had met one special friend: Mr. Ducky!! and with his help we have been learning so many new things, like the Colors, the Weather, Emotions and also a new Holiday called “Halloween”, all through songs, stories, games...
by secretaria | oct. 6, 2023 | Cangurs
Estimades famílies,Comencen un curs amb moltes ganes i molta il·lusió. Aquestes primeres setmanes han estat plenes d’emocions, de molts descobriments i de noves i diferents sensacions.Un nou espai, unes joguines diferents, uns adults que no coneixem i, a més,...
by secretaria | juny 13, 2023 | Cangurs
Estimades famílies,A la classe dels cangurs hem explorat un nou país: Costa Rica.Amb el conte d’imatges hem observat i parlat dels seus paisatges, la seva flora,els colors de la seva bandera, els seus animals, el seu menjar típic, …Ens ha agradat molt descobrir...
by secretaria | maig 31, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Peixos, Tortugues
Dear famílies and Friends, on this month we have been working on numbers! We enjoyed a lot doing different activities such as crafts or painting numbers, we have even traced the numbers in sand to recognize their shape! And we worked the numbers also with songs like...
by secretaria | abr. 21, 2023 | Cangurs
Estimades famílies,Aquest cop us volem mostrar els moments més dolços d’aquestes darreres setmanes.Els vostres fills i filles van començar descobrint una panera plena d’objectes ben diferents: ous, pollets,plomes,… Com en són de curiosos!! La seva curiositat va...
by secretaria | abr. 12, 2023 | Balenes, Cangurs, Dofins, Peixos, Tortugues
Dear Families and Friends:We want to shows how much fun we had in the dolphins,whales,turtles,fishes classes learning about the spring season with Mister Ducky.We have learned the spring colours and flowers through songs and activities with our hands.✋At the class of...